Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Genre Writing

 That Night

Chapter 1

The hallway was silent.

Summer Break was minutes away,

Kennedy, Alison, River, Nate and Ben on one side of the classroom,

Lyla, Max, Kurtis and Joseph on the other.

They all looked at the clock, their visions were heightened, the deafening sound ticking away in their ears. The minutes were shortening, they all start picking up their bags off of the ground, they look over and give one another a look to say ‘ready?’

The clock hits 3 and shortly after the bell goes, all 9 of the teenagers try to be the first to leave, racing to door,

“Stop right there!” The teacher yells, they turn around a worried look on their faces.

“We haven’t done prayer yet, so I suggest you sit down before you spend summer break in detention!”

“Sorry” they all say one by one as they walk past her desk, they all go and sit back down at their desks, still ready to run out after prayer.

“Now because you were the first people to try and leave, you get to lead prayer” she says with an evil smirk on her face.

“Thank you God for this day, for health and friends, for growth and learning amen”,

“Amen” the rest of the class repeats. The teacher looks at her class and says “I suppose you all can leave”. She turns around to the chalkboard. “Oh apart from Kennedy, Alison, River, Lyla, Nate, Kurtis, Ben, Max and Joseph ”,

“What why?” asks Max,

“Because I want to talk to you!”, Max and Nate look at each other rolling their eyes.

They walk up to the front of the class, their teacher looks at them, she waits a while then decides to say, “If you ever walk out of prayer again, you will regret it”. Everyone apart from Max worried by her threat didn’t say anything, “with all due respect Mrs Minx, I don’t think you should be making threats like that, I mean you could lose your job” Max says with a smirk. Mrs Minx shakes her head ready to speak again,

“Ok well, I hate to cut the meeting short but we’re leaving” says River,

“You haven’t been dismissed yet!” says Mrs Minx raising her voice,

“We weren’t asking” Nate replies to her.

“Now enjoy your summer break” Kennedy joins in.

The group walk out confident as ever, as they walk down the hallway they hear something which sounds to be someone throwing things.

“Woah relax dude” Max yells down the hallway.

The gang hears Mrs Minx walking out to yell at them, so they sprint to the front gate.

They see their parents out the front in their cars, “Ben are you still picking us up at 5.00?” asked Alison

“Yes, see you guys then”. The group split up, and got into the car with their parents.

Later that evening…

Lyla heard a bang on her door, she was home alone so it couldn’t have been her parents. Lyla walked downstairs into the kitchen and grabbed a knife, as she did that she heard her front door smash open. It sounded like someone had broken in. Lyla heard footsteps behind her, The next thing she knew a tall man in all black was standing behind her with a gun. She slowly turned around, dropping the knife to the ground, she stood there frozen, it felt like the heart was going to pound out of her chest! What was going to happen to her? that’s all that she could think about!

Meanwhile outside…

Ben and the Gang had arrived at Lyla’s house. Ben got to Lyla’s front door and saw it was open, so he poked his head in her front doorway, “Lyla!” he yelled,

“In the kitchen” she yelled back, Ben walked into the kitchen and saw Lyla standing there, she was in shock! “What happened?” asked Ben.

“You look like you have seen a ghost”,

“Yeah something like that” she fake laughed

“Why is there a massive knife on the ground?” Ben asked

“Oh I dropped it, I was going to make a salad for the road, but then you got here” She lied, she didn’t want to say anything just in case that creep was still there. When Lyla got into the van, she saw Alison and Max giving each other the “look”. Kennedy could see Lyla looking at them, “Don’t worry Ly they have been looking at each other like that since they got in the van!”,

“We have not! We’re just friends” Alison says,

“Max, you and Alison!” Nate teased,

“Nah, yuck I don't like Alison!” as Max said that Alison’s smile slowly turned into a frown.

During the ride, Lyla decided to tell her friends what happened, “Guys I have something to tell you, but you can’t be freaked out!”

“We won’t” Says Kurtis

“Guys promise!”

“Don’t worry Lyla, we promise!”,

“Ok! Just before you guys got to my house, I heard a bang on the door, it wasn't my parents because it’s their anniversary so they were out, then I went downstairs to get a knife. Then all of a sudden my front door got smashed open!”

“That must have been so frightening!” Interrupts River,

“It was! Anyway, after I had grabbed a knife, I heard something behind me, I turned around and saw a man standing there with a gun! Then Ben started to walk towards the kitchen and the man just run!”

“That’s why you looked so scared!” said Ben connecting the dots,

“I’m over it now, let’s just have the best summer break ever!”

“Good point Lyla” agreed Alison

“Yes Lyla, but at the same time it’s ok not to get over something like that straight away!” River added.

“I know, but I have you guys to distract me!” Lyla replied.

The rest of the ride was quiet, everyone was trying to sleep, it was starting to get late. Until they woke up to the sound of the van stopping suddenly!

“What the hell!” yells Max

“Someone just ran out in front of the road, they had blood gushing out of their head and a chunk taken out of their chest!” Ben yells
“Was it a boy or a girl?” asks Kennedy,

“It wasn’t a gender!”

“It?” questioned River

“Yes it was a it, it wasn't even a person!”

“Could this night get anymore screwed up?” yelled Lyla.

“Go back to sleep, we still have another 2 hours until we get there”.

“What was the sudden stop for?” asked Joseph,

“I hit it, then it looked at me and ran into the woods”.

At this point all of them were having a little anxiety, something was out there, and they had no idea what to do!

Another 2 hours later, they arrived. It was a mansion! There were vines on the windows and in the backyard there was a pool.

But it was too late to swim, and everyone was tired, one by one they got out of the van “I hope the inside looks better than the outside!” Alison remarks “Alison! Don’t be rude” Yells River.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that!”

“Yeah, and you guys think I like that” Max says,

“Everyone calm down! Lets go inside and pick rooms”

Ben says trying to break up the awkwardness.

“I think there are to many rooms to pick from!” Kennedy adds,

“I don’t wanna sleep alone tonight, will someone sleep with me!”
“I will Lyla, we’re here for 9 days we may as well have roomates” Alison replies.

The group goes inside, the house looks old fashioned but yet modern. There are 2 staircases leading upstairs.

“Woah, this place is bigger than it looks!” Nate says

“I know right!” adds River.

The group put their bags by the front door and started to walk around, Kennedy and River snuck upstairs so they could call first picks on rooms. The rest of the group saw and raced after them.

“Wait before we pick rooms, why don’t we have a boys room and girls room!” Lyla suggests

“That’s a good idea because we’ll only sleeping in them anyway” Ben replies. The girls and boys split up to get their luggage and pack away their stuff.

In the boys room...

“So Max, what’s the deal with you ad Alison?” Ben says smirking at him, “There’s no ‘deal’ we’re just friends!” Max says being defensive, “Why you always lying?” Nate starting to sing. “Guys look at this?” Kurtis points,

“It looks like a tiny room!” Joseph says,

“Oh no, really?! I thought it was a whole house” Nate says sarcastically,

“I have a good idea! Why don’t we just open it?” Ben says walking towards the door, Ben opened the door and all the boys saw was a blank room, with a tiny bed in it! “Wow! This is actually kinda cool!” Joseph says,

“Yeah It’s so cool aye” Nate says being sarcastic again,

“Well because nothing is happening up here, and I don’t think the girls are going to be ready anytime soon! We should head downstairs!”, the boys head downstairs and sit in circle, “That’s strange” Joseph begins, “I don’t remember the fire being lit when we got here!”,

“I don’t either!” Kurtis says thinking,

“Oh my gosh, you guys are so superstitious, who cares whether it was or not! We’re meant to be on holiday!” Max says to them.

Meanwhile in the girls room...

Alison changed her outfit into something pretty but comfy, “Alison you looking to dress to impress?” Kennedy laughed,

“Maybe” she said looking guilty,

“Let me guess, for Max?”,

“What? No!”,

The girls laughed, they thought Alison might have a crush on

Max, but did Max like her back? That gave them something to think about.

The girls went down stairs and joined the boys in the living room.

“What are you guys doing?” asks Lyla,

“Just talking” replies Kurtis, the girls sit down and join them, sitting in a circle.

“I see Alison changed” observes Joseph,

“So what?” River says noticing what’s about to happen.

“So she must have changed for Max!” Ben says laughing.

Alison’s face goes red, she doesn’t know what to do, she just runs away racing up the stairs, until she gets to her room, then she slams the door! “Good one!” Kennedy says following after her, River goes over and gives the boys a punch on the arm.

“Ow!” yells Ben,

“Don’t be soft!” replies River,

“You did mine harder than Joseph’s!”,

“Yeah, I know, and I’ll tell you why later!”. That conversation now had everyone interested.

Meanwhile up in the girls room...

“Why did they have to embarrass me like that?!” Alison asked,

“Maybe you could have played it off”,

“True, but I didn’t think of that in the moment!”

“It’s ok! Just ignore them, even though they’re your friends, doesn’t mean they won’t tease you!”. All of a sudden Kennedy and Alison, heard tapping from inside the wall, then it slowly moved on to the window, where they saw something, it was sitting in the trees looking at them, It’s smile unforgettably horrid, It looked dead but alive, lightning flashed and then the figure was gone, the girls ran down stairs screaming. While they were running Alison slips slipped on the carpet and fell, Max was at the bottom of the stairs and caught her. Kennedy still scared and looking panicked races raced into the living room.

“What’s wrong?!” asks Ben, Max walks in with Alison in his arms, “You sure you don’t like her?” Joseph laughs,

“Positive! She fell and I caught her, that’s it” Max puts Alison on the ground and sits back down next to Nate and Kurtis, “There was a person!” Alison yells, “Yeah.. he.. he.. He had blood gushing out of his head, and he didn’t even look alive!”, Kennedy added

“Was his skin grey and old?” Ben asked,

“Yes.. yes that’s him!” Alison says,

“Oh my gosh!” yells Max,

“But he disappeared! There was tapping from inside the walls, and then it moved to the outside window, there he was, his head was tilted, and his smile was deadly. Lightning struck and he was gone!”,

“Maybe your eyes were playing tricks, you must have reacted from what happened on the way!” Joseph suggested,

“I think I need a little rest” Alison says,

“Well your you’re not going up there alone!” River says,

“Us girls have to stick together! We are all going!” Lyla adds. All four girls, went into the kitchen and grabbed Butcher knives, just so they felt safe, after they did that they slowly walked up the stairs and ran to their room. The boys heard them and laughed, “I bet they’re trying to prank us!” Max says,

“What do you mean?” asks Kurtis, “they looked pretty freaked out!” Ben adds, “Who cares? Let’s have some fun!” Nate says, Max and Nate walk into the kitchen and find an old bottle of whiskey in the fridge, “this doesn’t look to bad!” remarks Max,

“Should we drink it?” asks Nate,

“Yeah! The girls have gone to bed, so who’s gonna stop us!”,

Chapter 2

The boys walked into the living room with a bottle of whiskey and some glasses, “what’s that?” asks Kurtis,

“Whiskey!” Max says with a little smirk,

“No, this is a bad idea!” Kurtis says “I’m going to bed before something bad happens!”, Kurtis stands up, and walked out of the room, walking up the stairs and going up to his bedroom.

“His loss” Ben says,

“He has a point, but who said we can’t have fun”, Joseph adds,

The boys pour the alcohol into the glasses, one by one.

“Let’s Party!!” Max yells, Ben goes upstairs to get his bluetooth speaker, trying not to wake the girls or Kurtis. The boys drink and laugh, being loud but not to loud.

2 hours later..

River and Kennedy wake up to the sound of banging, River looks over to the alarm clock to see the time. It reads 2.00 am,

“What’s all that banging downstairs?” River whispers to Kennedy,

“I don’t know, do you want to check it out?” asks Kennedy sitting up right.


Kennedy and River, slowly get out of bed, trying not to wake Lyla or Alison, who were awake anyway. “Where are you guys going?” asks Alison,

“There’s a racket going on downstairs and we are going to check it out!”,

“Ok! Be safe” Alison says,

The two girls, scared but brave walk down stairs, they hear a bang in the living room. They walk in to see Max and Nate sitting on the couch laughing, there was a broken vase on the ground. “Why are you guys still up?” asks River,

“Because we can”, Max says back, his words slurred,

“What’s up with your voice Max?” asks River,

“Nothing is up, go back to bed” Nate joins in his words slurred as well. Kennedy looks down beside Nate’s foot and sees a bottle of Whiskey, she walks over, picks it up and shows River,

“Really! You guys have been drinking!” Kennedy yells at them,

“It’s fine! We’re just having fun” Nate slurs,

“Fun? This is fun to you guys! Drinking at 15!” Kennedy yells at them again, “It’s not a big deal!” replies Max,

“Not a big deal! So you really wanted your best friends to see you like this?!” River snaps.

“They really need to sleep this off” Kennedy whispered to River. As Kennedy was whispering to River, they heard 2 more boys laughing, then in walks Ben and Joseph, The 2 boys, reading the situation, saw the girls faces and knew that they were mad. “Are you serious!” Yells River this time she was furious, “2 more immature boys drinking!”,

“at least they can actually walk” Kennedy says trying to cool the situation a little bit. “That’s true, great they can walk themselves up to bed”,

“I suppose you 2 boys can make your own way up to your room”, Kennedy says with a raised voice

“Yes, and sorry” Ben says slurring his words, not as much as Nate and Max.

“These 2 can’t walk, and we can’t carry them, so we should get blankets and pillows for them, they can sleep down here for the night”, River says shaking her head,

“So you do care!” Nate says to the girls,

“What? no! But we don’t want you guys to freeze”,

“Whatever River, everyone in this house knows you're in love with me!”, as Nate said that Kennedy’s jaw dropped, she knew what was coming, even Max knew that he went to far, “That’s enough, River you go upstairs to get some rest, I’ll deal with the boys!” Kennedy says that in a soft voice to ease the tension, River starts to walk out of the room, then she turns back around and walks towards Nate and slaps him, “The audacity, that you to say that to me! We were childhood friends, and clearly you’ve changed!”, River said that with a tear in her eye, after River walked out Kennedy cleaned up the vase, and got the boys pillows and blankets. “Nate, you may have just lost 1 of your best friends, and Max, when Alison finds out, she won’t be able

The next morning..

Alison and Lyla wake up, they see Kennedy and River talking, “What happened last night?” Alison asked,

“Max, Nate, Joseph and Ben, decided to drink whiskey, then Nate had the audacity to say I was in love with him!”,

“Are you serious!” Lyla says,

“Yes, River and I are going to have a serious talk with them this morning!” Kennedy says,

“I don’t blame you!”, Alison says, looking disappointed.

“Let’s get up! We can have a swim in the pool, don’t let the boys ruin our day!” River says trying to be positive, The girls get out of bed, they walked down stairs and see ‘Get Out Now’ written in bold red letters. “Ok this isn’t funny, someone is messing with us!” Lyla says,

“let's just get this off the wall, it must have been the boys, because well you know why!” Alison says, the girls clean the writing off the walls just playing it off as the boys, after they cleaned off the red writing Kurtis walks in, “Morning Kurtis!” Says Lyla smiling, “Morning” he says back chipper,

“I assume you weren't drinking last night”, says River,

“What gave it away, the fact you didn’t see me, or that I don’t look hungover, or that I’m the first boy up!” Kurtis laughed,

“Honestly all of the above” Kennedy laughed back, the 5 stood in the kitchen laughing. Ben and Joseph walk in, their apologetic faces looking at the ground, “I just wanted to apologize to all of you for drinking last night, mainly to River and Kennedy who had to see us like that and had to deal with us!”,

“Thank you boys for your apology, honestly new day!” River says smiling,

“Let’s just say you were the least of our worries” Kennedy said to them.

The girls started to make pancakes, waffles and coffee, they all stood around the bench laughing and talking, until Nate walked in the room followed by Max, River walked straight out taking Kennedy with her, she was sure to nudge him on her way out!

“You boys stuffed up!” Alison said shaking her head, the group in the kitchen hear the front door slam, “Where are they going?” asks Max,

“I don’t know maybe the just want some space” Lyla says,

“Yeah, especially after what Nate said to River” Max said looking at him.


“I am mad!” River says,

“I know, but look at the forest it’s so pretty!” Kennedy says nudging her. Minutes went by in silence,

“I feel like, we don’t know the boys anymore” Kennedy says staring down, “I know! The boys we knew when we were in primary school, we all got our leaders together! We were just 12, but when you spend all day in a friendship group of 9, that’s meant to be there for each other, you really question it” say River, “I know what you mean!”, all of a sudden the girls hear a twig snap from behind them, they turn around and Kennedy sees the exact same man from the trees, “That’s him!” Kennedy says, “That’s the man Alison, Ben and I saw” Kennedy yells, They see the man starting to limp towards them, “RUN!” River yells. The girls race through the woods, this has got to be a joke they think to themselves, why was this creep everywhere they were, Kennedy and River ran further into the forest, hoping they could get him lost. Hey eventually lose him, they take a 1 minute break to get their breath back, then run straight back to the house, they raced into the house, locking the door behind them, “Guys down here now! The talk with the boys can wait!” River yelled, Everyone ran into the living room, to meet the girls, they were puffed and red in the face. “What’s wrong this time?” says Alison, “Kennedy and I saw him, that man, we saw him in the forest”,

“He was following you through the forest?” asked Joseph,

“Who the hell is he?!” Asked Ben,

“Better question, why is he following us? He was probably the one that tried to shoot Lyla!”,

“You’re a genius Kennedy, that’s probably him! We can call the police and they can be on the lookout!” River says,

“Then maybe we can enjoy our holiday!” Lyla added. The group called the police and told them everything that had happened to them the past 2 days, the police said they will search the area and will be on the lookout for a man, matching the description.

“Now, that’s out of the way, Max, Nate and Kennedy let’s all talk in the kitchen”, River says seriously.The 4 walk into the kitchen River and Kennedy sit on one side of the table, Max and Nate sitting on the other, “Let’s just be honest what you did last night was pretty careless! I mean what if that creep broke in!”,

“Yes, we know, and we will take full responsibility” Nate says, Kennedy kicks Nate under the table, signaling for him to apologize for what he said, “River I’m also sorry for what I said about, you know being in love with me”.

“I’m sorry for slapping and yelling at you”,

“Ok, let’s go swimming, Why were Max and I even here, we didn’t even say anything” Kennedy says walking into the living room with the others.

“Who wants to go swimming!” Yells River.

“Yeahhhhh!” Everyone yells, the boys and girls split off to get changed, they meet in the backyard to swim! The girls are sunbathing and the boys were jumping in the pool, the boys decided to Throw buckets of water on the girls, “1, 2, 3 now!” yells Kurtis, on 3 the boys chuck water on the girls, the girls jump up with fright, then the girls decide that they were going to push the boys in the pool. Ben finds some water guns in a little basket, and get into a water fight with the girls. There was running and laughing, the group was having the best time ever. The girls got out their cameras and started taking photos, they definitely wanted to keep these memories forever! The gang was definitely tired, they had been running around outside for around 3 hours! They decided to get in to the hot tub, Max and Alison made slight eye contact a couple times, but then Alison broke it off straight away, Max knew she was mad.

“This day has been pretty fun and relaxing knowing that the police are looking for that creep” Alison says,

“Your right it has been!” says Lyla.

“I’m getting hot in here, I’m going to get out” says Kennedy,

“We may as well all get out! Because we need to make dinner”,

“Actually, I brought us all a little dinner bag to heat up in the microwave!” Says Alison, One by one they pile out of the hot tub, showering and getting ready for the night, “Alison these are really good!” says Max trying to make things right,

“Thanks, Max!” Alison says smiling,

“What are we going to do for the next 8 days we’re here?” laughed Kurtis, “We’ll figure that out tomorrow, let’s just enjoy today” Kennedy says,

“Wow your really poetic” laughed Ben.

It’s now dark outside and getting close to 11.00, the group shifted from the kitchen into the living room, they were chatting away until, they heard a knock at the front door, “Who could that be at this time of night?” asks Joseph,

“I’m not sure, I’ll check the peephole” says Kennedy confused,

“Be careful!” says Kurtis, Kennedy walks over to the door checks the peephole and sees a tall man standing outside, she couldn't believe her eyes! What was he doing here?! And why did he have a gun?! She thought panicked.

Chapter 3

Kennedy stands at the door frozen, the creep that was following them everywhere was at the door knocking, Kennedy slowly backed away from the door and started walking into the living room, she whispered to the group “The creep, he’s outside, everybody upstairs slowly and quietly”,

“What the hell is he doing here? I’m about to throw hands” Nate whispered getting up to go to the door, “Nate no!” Kennedy says stopping him, “he has a gun! Our best bet is to sneak upstairs, and wait for him to leave” Kennedy whispers to them, they all crept upstairs into one of the rooms that had a clear view of the front door. the banging at the door was getting louder, He was now yelling at them “Let me in!” he kept yelling, the knocks were now getting aggressive and loud, Lyla was starting to cry, Nate was worried, Max was worried, Kennedy was scared, Alison was panicked, Kurtis was shocked, River was scared, Ben was shocked and Joseph he just ran out of the room, “Joseph get back here!” Max said to him, but Joseph was already halfway down the stairs and racing into the kitchen to get a knife, As Joseph grabbed out the knife, he heard the front door slam open, the man was laughing with rage and excitement, he started walking towards the kitchen, as he knew someone had ran in there, everyone upstairs was silent not even breathing.

Joseph ducked down behind the bench hoping the man would walk past, because then he would have a clear path to the door, the footsteps were now in the kitchen, the floorboards were creaking under his feet, Joseph heard no more steps, but waited a minute anyway, maybe he left the room Joseph thought to himself, oh well this was his chance, Joseph got up and sprinted for the door, the man saw him running and started to limp after him, Joseph reached for the door handle, and the man reached for gun, he pulled out his gun, and aimed it at Joseph, then BANG! Joseph screamed in agony, his lifeless body fell to the ground, blood was pouring out of his wound! Everyone upstairs was shocked, “We have to go and see if he’s alright! Whispers Alison, “Do you want to be the next one to get shot?” says Ben, everyone looked around they needed to move, otherwise they would all die. The man walked over to Joseph's lifeless body and checked his pulse, after he felt nothing he started to laugh, “1 down 8 to go!” the man laughed.

Max looks behind him at his friends, “we all run out in 1, 2, 3!” Max opens the door and sprints out, everyone doing the same but in different directions! “Oh I see, this is a game of hide and seek!” The man said hearing everyone's footsteps, the house was silent, everyone was hiding. They had all split up, so they each had a better chance of making it out alive. The man was walking upstairs into the girls room, he saw the girls closet door slightly open, a scared girl heard his feet dragging towards the closet, her heart was beating fast. She knew this was it for her. The creep stopped outside the closet, slowly opening the door, he looked down and saw a girl sitting there tucked up in a little ball. He saw that she was frightened and said to her “hey sweetie!”, she looked up at him hoping he had mercy in his heart, “you’re next!” the man smiled at her. She screamed as loud as she could, everyone in the house could hear her, until it stopped, the man was laughing even harder now, he knelt down beside Alison’s body and checked her pulse, nothing was there, “2 down, 7 more to go!” he yelled. River was also in the room, she was hiding under her bed, with a bag sitting in front of her, keeping her out of sight. She couldn’t believe her eyes, she just saw one of her best friends die. The man limped out of the room.

1 hour later…

Within the hour, all the creep did was. Scratch the walls and screamed out gruesome threats like, ‘When I find you I’m going to slit your throat’ and ‘I’m going to eat your flesh’.

The creep limped into another room, it had old furniture and it also had a boy in it. He was hiding behind an old bookcase, but the man didn’t see him, he was so quiet you could hear his heart beating, he was calm, not stressed or panicked. So the man walked straight out again. Kurtis thought that if he stayed here he wouldn’t come in again. But what if he chooses to take a better look. He couldn’t risk it. So Kurtis followed the man down the hallway being very sly like a fox. Kennedy saw him and thought he was crazy so quickly swapped rooms, she slowly backed into the room, until she felt herself bump into something. She slowly turns around and sees Max, “oh thank gosh, you nearly gave me a heart attack!” she whispered to him, “are you scared?” he asked her,

“Honestly, yes, I don’t think I’ll be making it out of here!”,

“Same! Have you seen Nate?” he asked again,

“Nope, only you and Kurtis!”,

Max was worried about his cousin! But little did he know that Nate was perfectly safe! He was hiding in a room with River.

“We should probably move!” Kennedy says,

“Definitely! There’s nowhere to hide in here”, Max says, Max tells Kennedy to run into the boys room, because then they can hide in the secret room! They can’t hide there for long `though, because the man knows about that room, it’s just a matter of time before he remembers it from when he was a kid, this house was his childhood home. He was 8, one night his father was abusing his mother, he was so scared so he ran upstairs and hid, when he was hiding he heard things breaking, when he went downstairs, he saw blood splattered all around the room, he walked into the kitchen and grabbed a butcher knife, then he walked back into the lounge and saw his father sitting there, his mother's head on his lap, and before he knew it, he had stabbed his father multiple times in the back.

Current version...

“3, 2, 1 go!” Max and Kennedy race into the boys room, they move the drawers out of the way, and sneak in the little room. To their surprise, River and Nate were in there. “Kennedy!” says River crawling over to give her a hug,

“Hi” she says with a fake smile.

“How long have you guys been in here?” Max asks

“Probably 5 minutes!” Nate replies,

“That creeps still walking about” River whispers rolling her eyes.

Meanwhile downstairs..

Kurtis was still following around the man, hiding just in time for when the man turned around, but this time the man turned a corner and waited there for Kurtis, Kurtis eventually came thinking the man was in another room, the man had his gun up ready to shoot, he shot the gun, but Kurtis had ducked before the man pulled the trigger, he reloaded again, this time not missing. Kurtis wasn't dead but he pretended to be, just so the man would walk away, and he did, yelling “3 down, 6 to go!”. the man added,

“That must have been Kurtis!” River says,

“I saw him following the man around!” Kennedy added,

“It’s dumb but smart, because when the man wasn’t looking, Kurtis had time to run out the front door!” Max says,

“Kurtis is a fighter, he can’t be dead that easily, something’s wrong!” Nate says,

“What’d you suggest? We check it out?” Kennedy says sarcastically, “actually yes, Kennedy!” he replies,

“You must be crazy!” River says quietly but mad,

“River and Kennedy, you guys stay upstairs, Max and I will sneak down, to see if Kurtis is ok!”,

“They'll come straight back!” Max added,

“Who said we’ll still be here when you get back?” River says,

“River! Don’t start this right now!” Nate says to her, getting up to leave, “Fine go”, River starts, “Kennedy and I won’t be here when you get back!” she finishes,

“Think about it guys! Do you really want those to be your last words to each other!” Kennedys says to them both,

“I’m happy with those” Nate says walking away,

“You petty buggers!” Max says following Nate.

The boys checked both sides of the hall before running downstairs, they saw Kurtis’s body laying there, the boys go over and pick him up, bringing him upstairs into the hidden room, when the boys got back Kennedy and River were gone. Nate and Max tried their hardest to stop the bleeding, Kurtis was losing a lot of blood and a lot of consciousness, “Kurtis you need to stay with us ok?” Max tells him, Kurtis groans, his eyes were starting to close. “What’s your favorite color?”
Nate asked trying to distract him, “red” Kurtis replied quietly, he was going and he didn’t have a good chance at surviving, but the boys weren’t going to say that, they kept trying and trying to stop the bleeding, but with what they had, nothing was happening.

1 hour later…

Kurtis was close to gone, both the boys had to accept that, Kurtis said one last thing, “thank you for trying” he said, then Kurtis closed his eyes, never to wake up again, the boys covered in blood started shaking him, to find a tiny essence of life! But there was no point. He was gone, the boys sat in silence, remembering their friend. But now it was their turn to move. They had no idea where the girls had gone, nor did they have any idea where Ben or Lyla were. The boys looked at Kurtis’s body, then got up to leave the room, checked both sides of the hallway before running down into the library,

When they got there, River looked up at Nate, ran up to him and gave him a kiss,

“What was that for?” Nate asked,

“I was so worried about you!” River replied,

Nate looked down smiling, “Nice to see you guys back together!” Ben says sarcastically,

“That sounded like jealousy if you ask me!” Lyla says,

Everyone looked around awkwardly, “ok, well what’s the plan now?” Kennedy asked,

“I guess, we could go downstairs!” Max says, Kennedy thinks for a minute, “that could work,” she says, the group sneak over to the stairs, they hear the man coming towards them, so they raced downstairs and hide in the living room. They hear the man limping towards the door, the door opens and closes, “Maybe he gave up!” whispered River,

“I’m not taking any chances!” Lyla says, Lyla races out, Nate tries to grab her before she runs, but he was too late. Lyla runs out as if there was no tomorrow, when she got around the corner, she saw the man standing by the front door. His gun up in the air ready to shoot, “We meet again!” the man smiles at her, “I hope you get what you deserve!” She screams at him, the group, still around the corner, are worried for her. The man laughs at her, BANG! The gun goes off, Lyla screams. The group don’t know what to do, “Run!” Max whispers to everyone, everyone runs around the corner to the back of the stairs, “In here” Nate says pointing, they all run one by one into the stairs, “4 down, 5 more to go!” he laughed,

Chapter 4

“We need to call the police!” River whispers, they all look around the tight space, Kennedy sees a landline, she walks over and picks it up, “It’s working!” Kennedy whispers excitedly, she dials in 911, after 10 seconds of beeping, a man picks up, he has a deep voice, “911, what is your emergency?” the man asks,

“There is a man in our house, he has a gun and has already killed 4 of my friends!” Kennedy whispers,

“Ok, where are you?” The officer asks,

“21 Gallow’s place, you can’t miss it, it’s the only house out here!”,

“We are sending help" The officer says,

“Hurry” Ben says in the background,

“Tell your friend our squad should be there in an hour”,

“I suppose helps on the way!” says River to Kennedy, she nods back. The creep walked around the ground floor, looking for more teenagers to injure, the group were all huddled up, They were all waiting for the right time to run and hide, after 10 minutes they all heard the man walking up the stairs, “imagine if he fell through!” Kennedy laughed quietly,

“I would bolt!” Ben says,

Max stands by the door and slowly opens it, “I think we can go!” he whispers,

“Go into the billiard room!” River says,

“Yes! That room has a lock” Nate agrees, the group looked like penguins all huddled up, they walked slowly, they knew the man thought that they were upstairs, while they were in the billiard room, the boys started looking in the cabinets, “What are they doing?” River asked quietly laughing,

“I don’t know yet!” Kenned answered,

“Yet?” RIver questioned,

”Yes, yet, let’s just see when they find it!” she says thinking,

A few minutes went by of the boys looking high and low,

“I saw some in here!” Max says,

“Saw what?” River asked confused,

“Just wait!” Nate snapped,

“Maybe we could think of a plan, rather than looking for that thing that I know that you know that I know about!” Kennedy says to them, Max looks up and thinks “I saw a knife in here last night!” he says, “So you're suggesting we try to stab a man who has a gun?!” River says,

That’s exactly what I’m suggesting!”,

“Are you still drunk?!” River asks,

“No! I've just got better ideas than you!” Max says,

“River has a point, I mean 5 inexperienced teenagers with 1 single knife, go against an experienced man with a gun! I mean what’s wrong with this picture!”,

“Ok! It does sound a little bit dumb, but hear me out! If we have a good plan, not only can we kill that creep, but we can make it out alive!” Max says defending his idea,

“He has a point, we just need to think it out alot!” Nate agrees,

“I guess we could try, just remember 5 lives are at stake!” Kennedy says,

“I suppose we could try!” Ben says loudly, forgetting that they needed to be quiet,

“Ben! Shut up!” River says,

“Sorry!” Ben says,

“We better think of a plan now! Because I’m almost 100 percent sure Ben just gave away our hiding spot!” Kennedy says, everyone looks at Max, he was the one with the idea, he can come up with the plan, “Um.. everyone gets into a hiding spot, we have 2 knifes, when the creep gets up to this line in the carpet” Max points, “then we ambush him, one from behind one in front!” Max looks around the group look a bit confused, “Does everyone understand?” Max asks,

“Yes, we understand!” Nate replies,

“Good, because I’m not saying it again!” Max says, Max has one knife, River has the other, they are all hiding and ready, the billiard room is now unlocked, they hear the door slowly turn and it gently push open, they didn’t dare peak out now! The man starts to be approaching the line, Ben looks and Max and points the line, Max nods at him. Ben runs out coming at him from behind, the man hears him and quickly turns around, dodging Ben’s knife, The rest of the group run out! Nate and the man both reach for the gun, and River runs to stab him in the back, the man gets to the gun first, BANG! There were 2 screams followed after, the group looked up, The man was down, River got him! But she was a little too late! Because the man had already shot one of their friends, the group crawl over to Ben, who was lying on the ground in pain, “Why’d you go?” Max asked, “I pointed to the yellow line, and you nodded for me to go!” Ben replied quietly,

“I thought you were pointing to the red line!” Max says,

“Crap! You both confused each other!” River adds, Kennedy turns around to the creep lying on the floor, she checks his pulse, she can’t feel anything, “I think he’s dead!” Kennedy whispers to them,

“Who cares! He killed our friends, heck you and River would have died his morning!” Nate says,

“Kennedy he has a point! He nearly killed Lyla yesterday, he’s shot Ben, he wrote that stuff in the kitchen! I’m not sad and neither should you be !” River says, Kennedy doesn’t say anything, she just walks over to see Ben. “Are you ok Ben?” River asks,

“Of course he’s not ok! He’s been shot” Nate snaps, River gives him an evil look, Ben looks at River and doesn’t say anything, “I hope the police get here soon!” Kennedy says,

Ben looks at his friends, “I don’t think I’ll make it!” he says,

“Don’t say that! Just hang on, the police should be here in 15 minutes” Max says trying to be positive, Ben started to close his eyes, ‘Ben! Hang on, please!” River yells at him,

“I don’t know if I can anymore!” Ben says closing his eyes,

River shakes Ben as hard as she can, “Ben! Wake up right now!” she yells at him, Ben doesn’t say anything, Max leans over and checks his pulse, “I don’t feel anything!” Max says looking down, Everyone starts to get tears in their eyes, “It’s all your fault!” River yells at Max,
“River it was an accident!” Max yells back,

“I don’t care for your excuses, Ben’s dead because of you!” River yells that bursting into tears, her best friend was gone, and he wasn't coming back, Nate walks over gives her a hug,

“Blaming Max won’t bring Ben back!” Kennedy says, River wipes away her tears, “Max, I’m sorry, I know it’s not your fault” as River said that they heard the police sirens, River and Kennedy look down at the blood on their clothing and sighed, the group walk out of the billiard, and straight to the front door, when they get there they see Lyla’s body by the lounge and Joseph’s by the front door, they group try not to look at their friends. When they got to the front door they hesitated, the remaining 4 looked at each other, Max reached out for the door handle and turned it, then he pulled it toward him and they all saw police officer stepping out of the car, the man started to walk towards the group, when he got to them he asked “Can you please tell me everything that has happened tonight?”,

Chapter 5

1 month has passed since that night, not much has changed since, apart from the fact that they all have not talked to each other since talking to the police. They felt alone and confused, the childhood group of 9 had shortened to a no longer talking group of 4, River started hanging out with the new popular girls, Kennedy hung out with her other friends, Nate hung out with all his sports mates and Max, he hung out with the sporty and flirty group, none of them would even think about that night, each of them felt partly responsible. They even took different classes to get away from each other, the only time they even slightly acknowledged one another was when they were getting their stuff for their next class, as their lockers were beside each other, One week, all of their classes finished at the same time, so they all saw each other, they all checked in their lockers and saw a card it had a photo of all 4 of them huddled up in a blanket at the back of the ambulance, inside the card it read, ‘Only one can survive, ready for part 2?’, they all looked at each other, shocked, could the man still be alive and ready for more blood? There was only one way to find out, and they didn’t like it.

1 comment:

  1. WOWWWW Kayla! Am so proud. Finally I get to read it. Well done darling, fantastic imagination. Keep it up xx


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